Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today, I did c25k week 3 day 1. That was this morning. By afternoon I had made plans with a man at church to run later that night. He's done multiple halfs and a full marathon. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up between being slow, already had run that morning and my shins hurting like no other. We got about a quarter of the mile and I had to walk. My shins were killing me. He stopped right in the middle of the road made me sit down and stretch. It was hilarious! It helped though! I was sitting on the wet road stretching. I'm sure he knew how stupid I felt because he starts to tell me that when he ran his marathon he would see people stopping to stretch. If it's what you need DO IT! I get it now. We ended up at 3 miles of mostly walking because of my shins and not being able to see in the dark. There was another lady with us who struggled just about as much as me! I felt better about that...sad huh?

Currently, I feel like that half marathon is so far away. I don't see it in my reach yet. I'm working closer towards it though. I want it so bad!

I think I'm going to keep these running buddies. They keep me on track and it's nice to have someone to talk to. He knows so much about what I should be doing for certain pains that I have like my shins which I have struggled with forever. Plus, his Navy stories are pretty cool. You would never guess she is 12 years older than me because she looks younger and we just get along so well! I'm glad to be finding people I can run with! I'm the youngest but I blend right in with them because well I think I'm more mature for my age.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Who is that?

Today was a fairly normal day. I got up sort of early for a Monday. I don't have class till 1:30 so I usually get caught up on some sleep but today I got up early and went to the church to get work done. Class and then home. I read the first book in the Hunger Games series in less than 24 hours which kinda made me lazy today. That's okay though because I deserved a day to myself with my head in a book! I did get a workout in though. It was hard though because as I was running I kept thinking of if I could outrun/kill the people I pass if I had to in order to survive. LOL I decided most of them I could and scouted out some places to hide out. I'm addicted. (This totally reminds me of what I do when thinking of Zombies)

My workout today was the normal Monday run. C25k W2D3! Week 2 is done! Yay!! It was rough for some reason. I think maybe the wind? I averaged at a 15:15 pace. 2.27 miles :) I felt pretty good about that because 1. It's my best time and 2. It was REALLY windy! Wednesday is the 3 minute run which I'm nervous about for some reason. It's just my mind though. I know I can do it! I keep reminding myself 3 minutes is nothing compared to the 13.1 miles I'm going to do!

While I was running I looked down and saw a shadow. I quickly turned around and realized it was my own. The weird thing is I stared at the shadow for awhile while I ran. I looked at the girl and saw she looked much different than the girl I'm used to seeing. I struggle daily with seeing a change in myself and today I saw a little one- in my shadow of all things. I hope to continue to see these changes and embrace them! They are amazing changes that I myself don't see unless someone points them out to me or I randomly notice so if you see something changing in me that's from all my hard work and sweating my ass off please, don't be afraid to say it!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I need YOUR help!

I forgot to post yesterday....oops!

Okay, so this is a different post. I need your help! I'm all signed up for my first half (No, I'm not going to stop talking about it!) I signed up to be a children's champion. (This race supports nationwide children's hospital) My goal is to race 300 bucks before race day! You can help out here! (Just click the link and gimme your money!) Okay, now that you did that...THANKS!

Tomorrow, I run! I'm excited that my rest day is over. Is that sad? I can't wait to run again! Weird. I never thought I would say that...

Friday, April 20, 2012

I did it!

I registered for the Columbus half marathon today! I put my estimated finish time as 3 hours that puts me at just under a 14 minute mile. I'm so excited!! I realized though that I ordered my race shirt as a large. Uh, Melissa. You wear that now and it's getting too big. Oh well! I will still proudly wear my race shirt!!

Today I did c25k w2d2. It was rough because the wind was really bad. I was a minute slower than Wednesday but I think that's just because of the wind!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Today while I was working out I got this giant smile on my face. It wasn't one of those just happy ones it was a full fledged dorky smile. Why you ask? I was thinking of how I will feel after I cross the finish line at the half in October. I'm sure I will be much happier than what I was thinking but that's okay. It's something I've said I wanted to do for awhile now. I passed it off and something I COULDN'T do! Stupid me. I am going to do it. So here I am, barely running at all to training for a half marathon.

I set goals for myself and I never accomplish them. This is one that I NEED to do. I WANT to do. Not only for myself but for my uncle who has helped me and pushed me to do this. He knows as well as I do how much I want this and he has kept pushing me. Telling me I can do it, which is an amazing help because if he said I couldn't I probably would have gave up. I mean, why should I do it? It's just another "stupid" goal. Whatever. Not this time! This time it means something to me and I'm going to do it!

I struggle with if I should register now or wait. I'm not sure what's holding me back.

Columbus Half Marathon here I come!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chasing some dreams

After a talk with my uncle last night I realized that I am FULLY capable of running that half in October. I decided to start training. I want to finish C25k first though. I've never actually finished this program.

Today, I was out on my run and totally forgot to turn around at the half way mark. That left me about a mile from home. CRAP! I was debating having someone pick me up but decided to I could do it. Riding in a car isn't going to get me to run a half is it? NO! I ended up doing a little over 3 miles. It's the farthest since I started running again. I shaved 1 minute off my time putting me at 15 minute mile instead of a 16. It's not where I want to be but it's a work in progress.

C25k w2d1- COMPLETE! 

I'm running a 5k in May so I need to get my butt in gear!

I'm pretty sore from the weights yesterday - mostly upper body though. Tomorrow I lift again :)

 I'm loving being back at the gym and running. While I'm running I don't have to think about anything but what I'm doing and work out my problems. It's my me time. While I'm lifting weights I have to focus on that. I can't focus on other things, it's awesome! I can get lost in my music, thoughts, or absolutely nothing while I'm working out. I don't have to think about the stress of school, work or life in general!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Day

Today was fairly simple. I got up went to class, came home ate lunch and then....went to the gym! I finally made it there! I did weights which felt amazing to get back to! I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical. I was doing level 14-16! Woot!

I actually tried to make a to-do list and get it done. Guess what? I actually did it!

Tonight I'm taking my dad out to supper :) He gets to pick where we go so hopefully I don't go all off plan!

Monday, April 16, 2012


I did a lot of debating with myself today. Run or not? What to eat? Should I go to class? Should I take a nap? No,lets not run! ...No, you should run.... No, let's not....

You get the picture. I ended up running and I'm so glad I did! C25k Week 1 COMPLETE! I was feeling really bad ass as I ran on a trail that wasn't paved through the woods. There were freaking butterflies everywhere! It was really cool. It was a bit wet from the rain this morning but that made it feel even more bad ass. Actually, the badassness wore off when I realized the whole picture reminded me of twilight. I was then looking for vampires. None of which I found, luckily. 31 minutes, 1.90 miles, and a few butterflies later; I'm glad I went today! ( I actually ran through part of the cool down!)

While I know the program I'm using is working on getting me to run longer- I've made a mental goal of getting my mileage up!

I've been eating a lot lately. I don't know why for sure but it's resulted in me gaining a pound. I'm back at it though! I actually debating with myself today if I was going to "stay fat forever" I quickly decided I didn't want that.  Here is to another day of working towards a better me! Tomorrow, I start lifting weights again!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week of April 16th 2012- Goals

I decided to start making weekly goals. Here we go!

Workout: Weights  2x/week
Running 3x/week (C25k OUTSIDE!)

Food: Stay within Calories/daily
No Fast food/week
1 sweet treat/week
Try 1 new food/Week
Drink 9 cups of water/daily

Daily life: Study 2 hours everyday
Don't stress so much!! (I stress out a lot)
Call my dad everyday

I want to get a tape measure and start measuring myself but we will see. I'm feeling cheap! haha

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Goals :)

I'm one of those people that works through rewards. Here are some of my goals :) I want all of these things but will need to save and not buy them just because. I'm at 25 lost but want to maintain it for 2 weeks before I buy!

25 lbs- New Speakers for my car! (I need these so bad!)

40 lbs- New Dress

50 lbs- New Stereo for my car ( I really really want this!)

75 lbs- Punching Bag (I may get this before and change this)

100 lbs- Coach Shoes ( I've wanted these forever!!)

108 lbs (GOAL!)- Coach Purse & all new clothes!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Progress- 25 lbs down!

Technically, I'm 2 ounces away from 25 lost. I haven't really been seeing the loss lately so I decided to make a blog post about it. Let's see if I can see and if YOU can see it! Sorry about the mirror pictures I didn't have anyone to take one. I have an actual before but I can't find it...
Short post today :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Do people of the world have no filter? Do you let things just flow out of your mouths? You don't? Think again, you do. I am constantly having to build up anger because of stupid things you do. Then one day when someone asks me a simple question, I burst! Anyone else like this? Yeah, I knew I wasn't alone! 

Sorry for the vent! I really would like to get a punching bag so I can just punch away my anger! My awesome uncle and his friend are kind enough when they are around and I get upset to let me use them. Typically, I end up getting hurt not them. Why must you be like a rock?!?!?! 

I really need to start working out again. Weights 2 times a week and Cardio 3-4 times a week.

I've lost another lb! Woohoo! I'm 2 oz away from 25 pounds lost! Woohoo! I want to set some goals/ rewards. I think my next post will be about that. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012


As I pondered Easter over the weekend I was teary but happy. I've found over the last few weeks I have been very emotional. I have wanted to cry almost everyday and more often than not I have cried. It may be the change in schedule or the change in the weather. Today as we watched our movie clip for Sunday school we taught the kids that God is stronger than anything. He is there for you no matter what. I've known this for some time but it seems that it never sunk in. As we watched the movie I got a bit teary thinking how amazing it is that one man, who has never met me, loves ME and YOU so much He would die for us. How cool is that?

I think one of my favorite stories in the bible is the story of the resurrection but not the whole story. I really like the part where Mary FINDS Jesus. She finds her Lord. I can't imagine how lost she much have felt when she knew her Savior was missing. Her Rabboni (Teacher) was gone. Where was He? She was sobbing because He was gone..I can only think to compare it to the thought of losing my best friend. When she found Him she was overwhelmed with Joy. He was Alive and not in the zombie kind of way. He was really truly alive! Here is the story: "Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the end and the other at the foot. They asked her, "woman, why are you crying?"
  "They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put him." At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. He asked her, "Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"
      Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him."
   Jesus said to her, "Mary."
    She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (Which means "Teacher").
  Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."
    Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her."
John 20:11-18

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Yum Yum!

Today for dinner I made curried chicken & rice soup. It was delicious!
I went to the gym for a bit but my blisters came open on my hand. :( I had to leave early.

I've been feeling a bit blah. I think it's migraines coming on. The weather is so crummy! I hope they stop soon!

Classes are crazy right now! I have a few chapters to read for 2 classes and then stats homework on top of it! I did get a 9/10 on my first quiz and 17/20 on my first homework! Woot! I like stats so far :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Hello Bloggy World!

My progress so far:

Weight: Down 23.6 pounds! Woot!! I'm fitting into a new size pants double woot!

Workout: I'm not doing enough of it! I started last night doing 20 minutes of rowing. I now have blisters but I'm okay with that. I plan to go back again today. Eventually I would like to be one of those people who is there 5 days a week.

Food: I'm eating right around 1,500 calories. I seem to be losing at this without exercise so I think once I step the exercise up I will need to eat more.

My breakfast/lunch today is French Toast, Bacon, and Strawberries with of course a cup of Blonde from Starbucks :)