Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Letter

I've seen a lot of people post letters to their younger selves. Here is one to the 15 year old me.

Dear 15 year old me,

Don't date that guy. He isn't worth it and will cause you pain and suffering. He doesn't deserve you at all! Don't go back. Stop eating. It gets you no where and doesn't make you feel any better! Actually, I take that back it does get you somewhere. It gets you unhealthy! Start running. Seriously. You'll love it! Start getting serious about your grades because when it comes time for college they are what matters. Just go ahead and deal with the fact that you are going to be a teacher. You try to tell yourself God doesn't want that and you really want to be a nurse but it isn't right. You will be an amazing teacher! You will find out next year that you really want to go to Cedarville. It's another reason to get good grades. You'll end up at OSU lima because your grades weren't good enough for Cedarville. Start making better choices for yourself because you are so worth it. No one can tell you different!

Your 19 year old self.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Long week

So I've been sick for over a week now. That means no running. It started as just a sore throat and turned into bronchitis. I'm feeling mostly better now though other than being tired and having a cough. I think I may start running again tomorrow at least lightly. I really miss it.

I had an upsetting day. I had a job interview that just didn't go well at all. It wasn't all my fault though the hours she needs someone isn't really going to work with me going to school. She was up front about it but told me we would continue the interview. It was just crappy. I don't feel like it went well at all. I really really like this guy at church okay? So he was flirting with me last week and I finally got the nerve to ask him if he wanted to hang out. He said yes and would check is schedule. I haven't heard from him again. I've been bumming about that today too. I'm not waiting around for a guy but I really like him so it's kind of disappointing. I was told by someone else that he is really spontaneous and she is sure he will just randomly text me. I was holding onto that all week. I just don't know what to think. Part of me thinks he likes me and part of me thinks he doesn't. Now, onto the real reason I'm pouring my heart out. I resisted the urge to make brownies for about an hour and gave in. I kept thinking "this will make you feel better" Yeah right! It didn't. It wasn't even worth it to eat those brownies. Now i'm going to go over my calories and I'm still not happy. It's been awhile since I've had a bad day of just sulking and wanting to cry so I had my afternoon of watching glee and sulking. Now I'm picking myself up and getting back on track. There is no "start over tomorrow" it's start over RIGHT NOW! I'm not waiting around for some guy. I'm living my life and being happy! I'm making myself better :)

Runners World Quote of the Day from today seems like a good one to keep me going today and a good one to end this post with!

"Running along our journey doesn't only teach us how to keep moving forward through what life throws at us, it also makes us into the best version of ourselves" -Ashley Erickson, freelance fitness writer/editor

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ready for summer

I'm so ready for summer. I'm tired of school. I find myself skipping class more and more often. 2 more Child development classes and a 4 pages paper to do for that class 1 1/2 pages done for that. 5 more sociology and stats classes. Skipping Soc is a norm for me. We can't stand the guy. He sucks. I'm going to the first hour and most likely leaving during the second hour. Sadly it's to get donuts with a friend. I refuse to stay fat forever though so I'm budgeting it in!

Here is me complaining for the night: I'm sick. I feel like crap. I'm tired of feeling like crap. I want to work out so bad. I miss it! I want to run!!!!! It's currently a chore to walk around the store. I feel so out of shape but I know that's just because I'm so congested.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's been awhile!

I have been running for a month now! Woohoo! A whole month! I can run for 6 minutes straight now! YAY! I have a long way to go though! I made the decision tonight to start eating cleaner. If you have any advice please share! More fruits and veggies! I need to fuel my body for all the running I'm doing.
I found this on Pintrest today and I'm sticking to this!

I also added this to my bucket list today:

Weekly Goals:
Eat more Vegetables 3-4 servings a day
Eat more fruit 2-4 servings a day
No Pop
No Fast food
Run a total of 10 miles