Diets, Death and Finals...they all seem to have the same thing in common in most people's minds. Sadness, hard, and no fun! I can agree they are all no fun. I'm dealing with them all right now.
Diet- Slowly, I'm trying to say I'm not on a "diet" but rather a "lifestyle" change. What does that mean? It means that I'm eating healthy and sensibly but not restricting myself. Hell, I bought 6 boxes of girl scout cookies. I got them 2 weeks ago and have only ate 4 cookies. Why? I put them up and when I really want one I have the serving size or just one. I get over it. I'm not craving these things daily anymore because I'm not eating it daily.
Death- For the past 2 weeks we have been dealing with the grim fact that my great grandma is dying. We went down to West Virginia to where she is and was in the hospital. The outlook was grim then but she was given the option to have her legs removed and keep fighting or to keep them and face the end of her life. She chose the latter of the two. We were there over this past weekend, she is now home in hospice. It's hard to deal with but I've had these last few weeks to prepare myself. I'm ready for her to go home and be with our sweet Savior. She has slipped into a coma and isn't eating or drinking anymore so now it's just a waiting game.
Finals- WAAA!!!! Finals are next week. I'm stressing. This can make or break my grade in math. I'm not too worried about the others. I'm not doing well in math now so this 33% of my grade could bring me to passing. I'm so stressed. Study, study study is my mojo right now.
Maybe, I will start blogging more often? I'm making this my homepage so maybe I will! haha
See ya!
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